Our schoolwide discipline program is based on a point system and students must earn 90% of the month’s total points to earn Fun Fridays.
Every month teachers will tally points for their students. Students can earn 5 points a day. They can also lose five points a day. It is more positive to refer to them earning points. The consequences are as follows: warning, 10 minutes off recess or ½ of recess, miss all of recess, timeout in another classroom and phone call to parent, and office referral. To earn Fun Friday, a student must earn 90% of the month’s points. Students are not penalized for being absent as part of the discipline program. If a student misses days, the percentage needed for Fun Friday is 90% of theirdays present at school for that month.
Getting an agenda or other teacher designated, parent communication tool signed IS part of homework and the expectation is that it must be signed daily.
Parent Communication
Daily notes will be sent home to parents in Dojo calendars noting loss of point(s). Teachers will also use Class Dojo to keep parents informed daily. Please be sure to check your student's agenda nightly and contact your student's teacher as needed. All teachers will respond within 24 hours to message or email.
Fun Fridays
Fun Fridays will be devised by the school and occur the last Friday of the month. The students who do not earn Fun Friday will come to the cafeteria and work on goal setting and/or work sent by teachers with administrators, counselors, and other school personnel.
Office Referral
At any time, it is up to the teacher to determine if a student’s action warrants skipping consequences and resulting in an automatic office referral. Students may get points taken from our media specialist, paraprofessionals on duty, specials teachers, lunchroom staff, and staff on duty during morning room and bus dismissal. Students should be on their best behavior at all times!