Gifted Testing
Gifted Evaluation Process
All gifted assessments in the Henry County School District adhere to the rules and regulations established by the Georgia Department of Education. There are three steps in the process of identification and placement of students into the gifted program: referral, assessment, and determination of eligibility.
The referral process is the first step towards entrance into the gifted program. A referral may come from teachers, parents, students, or as the result of system-wide testing. Referrals are reviewed by each school’s eligibility committee, which determines who will be evaluated for gifted placement. A referral for gifted evaluation is not a guarantee of eligibility testing. The eligibility team will utilize multiple pieces of evidence when determining testing candidates. Evidence includes MAP scores, Milestones scores, grades, and student work samples.
Students are evaluated in four areas: mental ability, achievement, creativity, and motivation. Assessment instruments include nationally normed tests, rating scales, and other approved measures. All assessments comply with state rules and regulations. Individual assessment measures require parental consent.
Determination of Eligibility
Determination of gifted eligibility is conducted in accordance with the Georgia Department of Education rule 160-4-2-.38.
Transfer Students:
In State Transfers: Any student who meets the eligibility criteria for gifted education services is considered eligible to receive gifted education services in Henry County upon verification of records.
Out of State Transfers: There is no mandated reciprocity between states for gifted eligibility. Students who transfer from other states’ gifted programs must meet Georgia eligibility requirements before services can be provided. Previous assessment data will be considered if the test results are less than two years old.
Military Dependent Transfers: When a student transfers in who is a dependent of active duty military personnel, and identify themselves as gifted, the student will receive services and will begin the eligibility process for Henry County School District.
Refer Your Child
You may now nominate your child for consideration for gifted testing by clicking on the link below and filling out the online referral form.
Please note that filling out the form does not guarantee that your child will be tested. Filling out the form will submit your child’s name and information to the Gifted Eligibility Team. The Gifted Eligibility Team will then examine and evaluate the data available on each referral in order to determine if testing is warranted and appropriate.
Nomination Form: Click Link