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Media Center Standards

Kindergarten I Can Statements

I Can:

  • Choose a book that interests me. 
  • Enjoy a book by listening to the reader or looking at the pictures. 
  • Use both words and pictures to understand a book.
  • Tell the difference between nonfiction and fiction (reality and fantasy).
  • Tell you that the author writes the words in a book.
  • Tell you that an illustrator draws the pictures in a book.
  • Point to the cover, spine and title on a book.
  • Follow library rules.
  • Carefully use library materials: Turn the pages of a book carefully, Use a bookmark to hold my place, Keep books safe at home, Return books to the library on time
  • Tell you the setting, characters, problem and solution in a fiction story.
  • Tell you facts from a nonfiction story.
  • Sit and listen to a story.
  • Answer questions about a story.

1st Grade I Can Statements

I Can:

  • Select a “just right/good fit” book with help.
  • Choose a book that interests me.
  • Enjoy all kinds of books by listening to a reader or by reading them by myself.
  • Use both words and pictures to understand a book.
  • Use information I know about authors and illustrators to select books that I will enjoy.
  • Ask a question about finding a book.
  • Tell the difference between nonfiction and fiction (reality and fantasy).
  • Understand that the library has different places for different types of books and materials.  
  • Find books in the Everybody section.
  • Find and name parts of a book.
  • Follow library rules.
  • Carefully use library materials: Turn the pages of a book carefully, Use a bookmark to hold my place, Keep books safe at home, Return books to the library on time
  • Work together with others.
  • Tell you the setting, characters, problem and solution in a fiction story.
  • Tell you facts from a nonfiction story.
  • Sit and listen to a story.
  • Answer questions about a story.

2nd Grade I Can Statements

I Can:

  • Select a “just right/good fit” book by myself.
  • Choose a book that interests me.
  • Choose a book that will help me answer my questions, with the teacher’s help.
  • Enjoy all kinds of books by listening to a reader or by reading them by myself.
  • Find the plot, characters, setting, and main ideas in a book.
  • Use story clues and my own background knowledge to take part in a book discussion.
  • Use information I know about authors and illustrators to select books that I will enjoy.
  • Ask a question about finding a book.
  • Tell the difference between nonfiction and fiction (reality and fantasy). 
  • Find different sections in the media center (Everybody, Fiction, Nonfiction).
  • Locate books by authors in the Everybody and Fiction section.
  • Locate and name the parts of a book.
  • Understand that knowing the title, author and keyword will help me find a book in the library.
  • Explain that the purpose of the online catalog is to help locate books in the library.
  • Use different parts of a book to find information.
  • Begin exploring different kinds of information books with help from the teacher.
  • Begin exploring research using GALILEO with teacher assistance.
  • Respect media center materials and rules.
  • Work cooperatively in a group. 

3rd Grade I Can Statements

I can:

  • Select a “just right/good fit” book by myself.
  • Choose a book that interests me.
  • Choose a book that will help me answer my questions.
  • Find the plot, characters, setting, main idea, and author’s purpose in a book.
  • Use story clues and my own background knowledge to take part in a book discussion.
  • Use information I know about authors and illustrators to select books that I will enjoy.
  • Ask a question about finding a book.
  • Tell the difference between Nonfiction and Fiction.
  • Understand that each book should be in only its spot on the shelf.
  • Find different sections in a library
    (Everybody, Fiction, Nonfiction, Biography)
  • Locate books in the Everybody, Fiction, Nonfiction, and Biography sections, asking for help when needed.
  • Use a thesaurus, dictionary, encyclopedia, or atlas (print or online) to answer questions, asking for help when needed.
  • Locate and name parts of a book.
  • Understand that knowing the title, author or keyword will help me find a book in the library.
  • Understand that the purpose of the online catalog is to help locate books in the library.
  • Use different parts of a book to find information.
  • Know which kind of book to use for the information that I need, asking for help when needed.
  • Take notes from a reference or nonfiction book.
  • Begin conducting research using GALILEO with teacher assistance.
  • Respect media center materials and rules.
  • Understand that authors and illustrators own their work.
  • Use books and computer resources to create projects to show what I’ve learned.
  • Work cooperatively in a group.

4th Grade & 5th Grade I Can Statements

I Can:

  • Select a “just right/good fit” book by myself.    
  • Choose a book that interests me from different genres.
  • Choose a book that will help me answer my questions.
  • Describe the plot, characters, setting, main ideas, and author’s purpose in a book.
  • Use story clues and my own background knowledge to participate in a book discussion.
  • Use information I know about authors and illustrators to select books that I will enjoy.
  • Use books, magazines, the Internet, and other technology for information and things that interest me.
  • Ask questions about finding resources, using information I already know, and asking for help when needed.
  • Explain how Fiction and Nonfiction books are organized in the library.
  • Locate books in Everybody, Fiction, Nonfiction, Biography sections.
  • Use a dictionary, encyclopedia, or atlas to answer questions, asking for help when needed.
  • Use different parts of a book to find information.
  • Use keywords to help me find information, asking for help when needed.
  • Use the title, author or keyword within the online catalog to help locate books in the library.
  • Use computer resources to find information.
  • Skim and scan different parts of a book to find information.
  • Know which kind of book to use for the information that I need, asking for help when needed.
  • Understand the importance of accurate information, with adult help.
  • Take notes and summarize from a reference or nonfiction source or computer resource.
  • Conduct a research project
  • Respect library materials and rules.
  • Understand that authors and illustrators own their work.
  • Use books and computer resources to create projects to show what I’ve learned.
  • Create a basic bibliography.
  • Work cooperatively in a group.