Hours of operation:
The New Hope Elementary Elementary Media Center is open from 7:50 am to 2:15 pm, Monday through Friday. To reserve the Media Center for a meeting, lesson or an event, please sign up using the link in the "Knightly Newsroom"
Curriculum-related activities and teacher collaboration:
Before library visits, teachers are encouraged to do prior planning with the media specialist in preparation for research sessions, curriculum-related activities, and information skills mini-lessons to be conducted in the Media Center.
Types of materials in the Media Center collection:
The Media Center has the following type of books: Everybody Books, Fiction Books, Non-Fiction Books, Reference Books, Biography Books and Professional Books for Teachers. Audiovisual materials include DVD materials and audio/book materials which will be checked out by the teachers and staff.
Selection of instructional materials:
Selection of instructional materials for the Media Center is the responsibility of the media specialist in the school. The media specialist also maintains a quality collection with proper weeding procedures and adherence to national, regional, and state standards for media centers.
Checkout policy:
Kindergarten through second grade students may check out one book at a time.
Third through fifth grade students may check out two books at a time.
Faculty and staff are allowed to check out as many materials as desired. However, every effort should be made to return materials when they are no longer being used. Selected equipment maybe loaned out to faculty and staff on a short-term or long-term basis.
Student materials have a two-week checkout period. Materials can be renewed if there is no waiting list. Books and other library materials should be returned using the book drop at the circulation desk so that they can be scanned and accounted for. Reference materials are only available for use in the Media Center by the students. Exceptions will be given to students who are doing research.
Lost, damaged, and overdue books:
Students will not be charged any fee for overdue books. Students will be charged for lost or damaged books. The price charged for a lost book or other damaged material shall be determined by the replacement value of the material. Students who failed to pay for lost or damaged books will no longer have the privilege of checking out books till the fine is being paid.
Students who failed to pay for their fines may continue to use the learning resources within the confines of the media center. A student shall be refunded the full amount paid for a lost book or material upon returning the book or material in acceptable condition, provided the request for a refund is submitted prior to the closing of the local school's financial records.
Library Media Technology Committee:
Every year the NHE administrators assign selected teachers and paraprofessionals to serve on the Library Media Technology Team. The media specialist serves as the chairperson. The Library Media Technology Team acts as the advisory group for the NHE Media Center, helping make recommendations and decisions relating to planning, operation, evaluation, and improvement of the media program. Members meet at least twice per academic year. The meetings may cover policy issues, selection of materials and equipment, requests for materials and equipment, recommendations for purchase, existing problems, suggestions for improvement, review and evaluation of challenged materials, standards, and the like.
Challenged materials:
It is the responsibility of the Library Media/Technology Committee to review challenges to materials at the local school. The Henry County School System policies regarding challenged materials will be followed.
Adhering to copyright guidelines:
All teachers and staff are expected to attend a copyright presentation near the beginning of the school year, imposed by the Henry County School District. Any questions concerning copyright should be directed to the media specialist.
Laminating and copying materials:
Only media personnel can use the laminator in the Media Center. Only media personnel member may change and replace the laminating roll when needed.
Laminating for teachers and staff will be limited to:
- Teacher-made teaching materials
- Teacher-made file games (file folder)
- News article for bulletin board display or future instructional use
- Magazine pictures or articles for bulletin board display or future instructional use
- Purchased paper or light-weight cardboard instructional materials
- Math or reading sheets that will be used for students to write on for multiple days with a wipe-off marker or grease pencil
- Instructional posters that are NOT plastic-coated
Things that will not be laminated:
- Student classwork or homework
- Student projects or artwork (unless selected by the teachers for preservation)
- Plastic-coated book covers
- Pocket folders
- Anything with a thickness that causes the roller wheels to get off track
- Leaves
- Fabric
- Posters that are plastic-coated
Safety issues:
The media specialist provides internet safety and security information to various grade levels during the year.
National professional organization for school librarians:
The American Association of School Librarians (AASL), a division of the American Library Association, is the only national professional membership organization for school librarians. AASL serves school librarians in the US, Canada, and around the world. Website: http://www.ala.org/aasl/