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Useful Links

Study Jams

Study Jams has links for videos and other fun activities in Math and Science.

Internet 4 Classrooms

This page has links to games across multiple grade levels and content areas.  

Hooda Math

This link has multiple math games to play to practice what is being taught in class and also review previously taught content.

Mr. Nussbaum

This website has links to multiple cross-curricular games and resources for kids.  

Learn Zillion

This website is helpful for both parents and students.  There are mini-lessons for many math and language arts standards, and this is helpful for practice and review of what we learn at school. You will need to create a user ID to access this page (but it is free!).

Interactive Websites

This website has links for activities across all subject areas from Pre-K all the way up to 12th grade!

Brain Pop Games

There are lots of games available for kids to play to reinforce skills taught at school and even to accelerate students on topics they want to learn more about!  Once you open the Brain Pop page, click on "Game Up!" and then choose the content area of you'd like.  Have fun!


Common Core

Here is a link to the Common Core standards.

How to do Research

This website will be especially helpful during our exploratory time.

CRCT Content Descriptors

This link provides user-friendly information about the standards for students to know in preparation for the CRCT. 


Henry County School District Website

This is the link to the Henry County School District website. 


Georgia Standards

This webpage has all of the standards specific to Georgia for each grade level.


First in Math

Your child's login information is in the front cover of his/her agenda.  This website has multiple math games for your child to play to reinforce his/her math skills.


Georgia OAS

Every student has his/her login information.  Please contact me if you need me to send it home again.  This website allows students to take practice tests that will be similar to the Georgia Milestones Test (which is replacing the CRCT).