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Glenna Suchonic - MHWF

Welcome to New Hope Elementary! 

My name is Glenna Suchonic, and I am the Mental Health and Wellness Facilitator. My focus is on the overall well-being of students and staff. I have been married for 31 years and have twin adult daughters. My husband and I both grew up in Pennsylvania, but Henry County has been our home since moving to Georgia.

I have a Bachelor's Degree in Organizational Management with a focus on education and a Master's Degree in Special Education. I have served in different roles with the school district, including paraprofessional, Exceptional Education Teacher (EBD and IRR), then moving on to the district office as a Behavior Intervention Coach. I am proud to continue to serve in this wonderful role as MHWF in a fantastic school such as NHE.

I am here to support you as well. 

Glenna Suchonic

Mental Health and Wellness Facilitator
