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Honor Chorus

The New Hope Elementary Honor Chorus is open to students in grades 4-5. This co-curricular activity provides an opportunity to learn more about the art of singing and expressive performance. The ensemble also spends time focusing on various topics such as music theory, music history, and cross-curricular connections. Through the program, students learn the importance of community service and servant-leadership. Honor chorus students will participate in some or all of the following activities: Holiday Concerts (stand-alone or collaboration), Henry County School District Elementary Honor Chorus, Georgia Music Educators Association Statewide Elementary Honor Chorus, Regional Honor Chorus, Spring Performances, All-School Musical, and Special Engagement Performances. 

The chorus rehearses on Tuesdays from 2:45-4:00 P.M. in the music room. To join, please contact Ms. Murphy for a Student Information & Sign-Up Form. New members will be accepted through Tuesday, September 3, 2024.