New Hope Elementary
4th Grade
Suggested Supply List
The following items are personal supplies and should be labeled with your child’s name:
- One 1½ inch three-ring binder (no trapper keepers please)
- 2 packs of notebook paper
- 3 Plastic folders with pockets
- Pencil Box or Zipper Pouch- for personal supplies labeled with your child’s name
- 1 pack of glue sticks
- 1 pack of 24 pack crayons (no larger count, please) and colored pencils
- Student Scissors
- Dry erase markers
- 3 Composition Notebooks (any color/design is fine)
- #2 pencils (2-4 packs, pre-sharpened preferably) *Ticonderoga brand works best*
- Highlighters
- Headphones/Earbuds
- Cap Erasers
The following items are classroom supplies.
- Facial Tissue
- Paper towels
- 1 hand sanitizer
- 1 pack of disinfecting wipes (Clorox or Lysol)
- 1 box of Ziploc bags (any size- gallon, quart OR sandwich)
- Band-aids
Wish List: These items are needed throughout the year and are appreciated at any time!
- White copy paper
- Color copy paper
- Card stock paper
- Index Cards
- Scotch Thermal Laminating Pouches
- Dry erase markers